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It's that time of the year again!!! Come join us for every Sunday Tiger's home game! If you don't know the drill, here it is; starting at 1PM any Sunday the Tigers play at home we host a potluck (we provide the hot dogs and chips and salsa), you get a raffle ticket for coming (you can win all sorts of swag and goodies for any Tiger's base hit), free mystery shots (for any Tiger home run), and tons more!
It's Miggy's last year, so let's make it one to remember! Wear your favorite Tiger's or Joey's SFD shirt, bring a dish to pass, and root! Root! ROOT! for the Tigers with us all season long!
Funday dates are 3/30 (Opening day), 4/6 (Home Opener) 4/9, 4/16, 4/30, 5/14, 5/28, 6/11, 6/25, 7/9, 7/23, 8/6, 8/27, 9/10, and 10/1.
2nd Annual Kevin Scott Memorial Golf Outing
July 23rd at The Pines
4 Person Scramble
12PM Shotgun Start
Sign up in person at Joey's or send us a message on Facebook or Insta
$70/player or $280/team
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